Thursday, February 14, 2013

Fear and pause

As I think about my day and the counseling session I had with my wife today, I am fearful that

- things will need to change

- things won't change


- the utopian idea that when change does occur, I'll really enjoy myself!

Fear is a road block but better yet invisible so often. It stands right before me and in flashing letters says: DO NOT ENTER.

In life, it's taking a breather, a break, a beat - as said in the theater - that has the most impact. I remember the movie City Island with Andy Garcia and his character's theater instructor who complained about "pauses."  The instructor told the class "no more pauses!"

That was sad because he took the one thing that most of the student's needed or at least felt may be necessary to leave a lasting impression. Albeit a very small and almost insignificant part of the film, it made an impact.

If I fear my customers/clients or find I'm not pausing enough to work through the things which seem to remain stuck, I will stop what I'm doing, walk away from it (not my customers) and give myself time to see the big picture. Where I feel locked or boxed in I will agree to not fear my customers and my work and come up with better solutions. I will remain open to new business and will attract substance in the way of income and wealth. I refuse to be defeated in my mind by circumstances that don't or may not ever exist. I will not have expectations for things or results that are only imagined.

Fear thus leads to pause - when I allow the transformative energy and circumstances to flow trough me.

Peace comes from confidence not cockiness knowing we will get a NO here and there and will move beyond the NO to the YES because we believe in the YES and the NO only exists to train us. The NO only exists to push us. The NO sticks around to keep us human.

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