Friday, February 15, 2013

Photography is like pop radio...

Eating, Drinking, Playing, Laughing, Crying, Being Still, Not Being Still, Bored, Ashamed, Fearful, Nervous, Happy, Smiling, Smirking, Revealing the Soul, and the thought "why am I doing this, I hate pictures," etc.

Just a few of the many parts I can see from the time I show up as at a wedding shoot, when the person who first lays eyes on me announces "the photographer's here!"

I don't claim to be a seer but what is revealed is fascinating. The little child wondering about crying or fussing - just doing what a one year old does to grandma who anxiously either wants to get it over with or who as the matriarch steers everyone, whether they like it or not, to the other side of my lens.

PHOTO SHOOT = ENERGY to the nth degree!

In other words, I many times am walking in to a mind field. Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love the mind field because it's my chance to be ready for the shot, even though I'm pushing the button. The play on emotions and the dynamics brought to the shoot are overwhelming for some, while simple for others.

If there were a humble car sales person, I might fill that role. I meet the family of five - husband, wife and three kids aged 7 (boy),  (girls) 11 and 14. They are all fidgeting as they should be. All examining their predicament with the situation, analyzing their wants, needs and desire to ask for what they want in that new purchase or wanting to run away from the situation they find boring, uninteresting or just not fitting their lifestyle - think of the teenage girl who thinks her parent's choice in a new car is just plain dorky.

When I walk into the lives of one or more folks with the intent of capturing images, I need to see what I see. To walk in armed knowing not everyone will be into it, agreeable, pleasant, happy or excited.

I could care less but I choose to care more and need to skate ever so close to the edge of each individual's emotions.

That fires me up!

I attend movies with my wife where she both warns me to not speak about what I am constantly noticing about how the film was made and just not talk at all! I see details but not from a geek's perspective but from the perspective of beauty.

When I arrive on site to capture the essence of folks in photos I am looking to befriend them even just for that moment. I can't be friends to everyone but I can be enjoyable to be around. My intuitive tools come into play - and it's simple. Someone is going to be nervous, sad, bitter they're forced into the situation and so on.

I don't arrive to make anyone happy but with the attitude to provide happy results.

Photography is sort of like pop radio. Songs, new songs, are played OVER AND OVER. How else will the tunes catch on? I hope my photos become like pop radio. Repetitively shown, browsed and stared upon till they are the norm.

This is why there are so many photographers. I don't expect I'll get everyone's job. I have to click with my clients because they are all entering the showroom with expectations (or not) of what they want. Some like country, some rap, some classical. I can't change the station in their minds but I can be happy to serve them. I do. I am happy to serve them.

If they thus become happy because they perceive that in me, we both win!

Tune in!

I added new specials noted on both my home page and shoot pricing pages today ( Wedding rates have increased but so has the time I spend at the wedding - thus more cool, fun photos. There's a great bonus gift for anyone booking a wedding. A large 22 x 28 inch contemporary style frame with a 20 x 16 inch matted print! That alone is valued between $300 - $400, depending on what any photographer's rates currently are. I'm also drastically discounting engagement shoots when a wedding is booked.

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